Dongni Hou

Works of the artist

Dongni Hou


Dongni HOU was born in 1987 in Fuxin, in the Chinese province of Liaoning. After studying graphic arts from a very young age, she joined the famous Russian Academy of Arts in St.Petersburg at 19.
Several of her works were selected for the permanent collection of the Academy of Fine Arts Museum.
She now lives and works in France.

2008-2014 Master’s degree in Visual Arts ( academic drawing, oil painting) at the Imperial Academy of Arts, Russia
2014 Group Show of graduates of the Academy of St-Petersburg, her works have been selected by the jury to integrate the collection of Academy of Fine Arts Museum, Russia.
2013 2d prize for the contest of the best drawing of the year of the Academy.
2012 2d prize at the Group Show at the Smolni Cathedral, St-Petersburg.
2011 Exhibition « young talents » at the Academy of Fine Arts Museum, St-Petersburg.
2007 Preparatory Class at the Academy of St-Petersburg, Russia.
2004-2006 Preparatory Class at the Fine Arts Academy of China, Beijing.

Now or soon
Permanent exhibition : Galerie L’Oeil du Prince, Biarritz, France
Group Show, Hamptons Fine Art Fair, Haven Gallery, NY

Solo Show «États d’âme», Laurence Esnol Gallery, Paris.
Permanent exhibition, Laurence Esnol Gallery, Paris.
Permanent exhibition, Laurence Esnol Gallery, Paris.
Art Fair, LA Art Show 2021, Arcadia Contemporary, Los Angeles.
Solo Show «Le sang des pétales », Laurence Esnol Gallery, Paris.
Permanent exhibition, Laurence Esnol Gallery, Paris.
Solo Show « Poème », Laurence Esnol Gallery, Paris.
Art fair, La Biennale Paris 30th edition, Grand Palais, Paris.
Group Show «De l’âme… », Fond culturel de l’Ermitage, France.
Medal Fond culturel de l’Ermitage, France.
 HS Beaux Arts monograph.
Solo Show « Une collection 2018 », Laurence Esnol Gallery, Paris.
Group Show, Art Point Gallery International, Belgium.
Art fair, Art KARLSRUHE 2018, Germany.
Solo Show « Âme sensible », Laurence Esnol Gallery, Paris.
Group show « Une collection », Laurence Esnol Gallery, Paris.
Group Show « Nexus », Laurence Esnol Gallery, Paris.
Art Fair, Salon d’Automne, Paris.
Group Show, Galerie Thuillier, Paris. 
1st prize, Galerie Thuillier, Paris.
Award « Monique Baroni », Fondation Taylor, Paris.
Group Show, galerie l’Acronique, Paris