Luc Lavenseau

Works of the artist

Luc Lavenseau


Born in Bordeaux, Luc practises at first freely since his youngest age diverse techniques as the watercolour, the chalk and the pastel.

Then, after his training in the Academy of Arts of Bordeaux, he dedicates itself totally to the oil painting.

For a long time fascinated by the « impressionnistes » painters and especially Monet with his way so particular to handle the light, his curiosity brings him to be interested more and more in the contemporary art.

The works of artists as Picasso or Andy Warhol are important subject of inspiration in the evolution of its sensibility and its technique.

Present in several galleries in France as well as abroad – California, Louisiana – through exhibitions, it is regularly selected to participate in art shows as in particular the « Salon d’Automne » in Paris and in 2013 to the exhibition ” Art Actuel France-Japon ” in National Art Center of Tokyo.


Member “sociétaire” of Salon d’Automne (Paris)

Member of ADAGP (société des Auteurs Dans les Arts Graphiques et Plastiques)

Private collections : France, England, Germany, the United States, Australia

Akoun and i-CAC cotations